2025 K-2 Lasso the Night Dance Chairs
Leanna Sega, Chelsey Onzo, Kim Smith, Gina Male & Rachel Zink
Due to space and fire codes, we are only allowed to have a certain amount of people in the building.
- We cannot accommodate younger or older siblings at this event (even infants) and unfortunately entrance will not be permitted.
- Every child attending MUST be accompanied by only one person over the age of 21. We will be checking students in at the door at the Ford Avenue entrance.
- You CAN NOT bring friends of the student you are attending with.
- If you are a parent with multiple children in grades K-2, you can bring all of your own children and be counted as their special guest. They can also choose to each bring one person if they’d like.
- The event is for Jefferson Kindergarten through 2nd graders only.
- If you did not attend school on the day of the dance due to sickness, attendance will not be permitted.
If these rules are not met, we apologize in advance but attendance will not be permitted. Jefferson Administration and the PTO have created these rules so that we can keep it fair and safe for everyone. Thank you and please reach out to us with any questions.