Homeroom Parent Information

As our children begin the 2024-2025 school year at Jefferson, we encourage you to be involved in your child’s classroom. We have a wonderful staff of teachers at Jefferson, and homeroom Parents play a vital role in helping teachers create an atmosphere of a classroom community.

The responsibilities of the homeroom parent are as follows:

  • Being available to help the teacher when needed
  • Being available for any possible field trips
  • Attendance is expected at monthly PTO meetings to communicate back to families
  • Coordinating with the teacher to organize classroom parties
  • Sending emails, texts and/or making calls to parents for information and reminders
  • Submitting receipts and paperwork for a one-time $50 reimbursement per classroom can be completed by either the teacher or the homeroom parent.

NOTE: In-person help is at the discretion of the school and/or teacher.  If homeroom parents are asked to come into school, per the teacher’s request, younger siblings are not permitted to accompany homeroom parents to various activities. 

To ensure the safety of all students, selected homeroom parents will be required to complete a background check (same check used for parents who visit JES for lunch or other classroom activities). Selections will be conducted by a team of administrators, teachers, and PTO members. This team will review each application to select the most suitable candidates who can best support our classrooms and contribute to a positive school environment. 

Selections will be announced at our first PTO meeting on Tuesday, September 17th at 6:30 PM in the Jefferson library. Those who are selected as a homeroom parent will be contacted with more information.

If you are interested in becoming a homeroom parent, please sign up online at jeffersonelementarypto.com/homeroom-parents OR fill out the form that will be coming home and return the bottom portion in an envelope marked PTO to your child’s teacher by Monday, September 16th, 2024 at noon.  Please submit only one entry.

The PTO is looking forward to a wonderful school year! With your support, it will be a rewarding experience for our children!